diebin.at is a feminist server collective.
We operate infrastructure for emancipatory projects, initiatives and activists. We currently support the following services:
We sometimes hold workshops on IT topics, such as Linux Intro, Wordpress, Digital Security.
Infrastructure is political: who develops it? Who maintains it? Who has access to it and knows how to use it? Through our work we want to share knowledge and enable others to be independent of for-profit platforms. Our servers are feminist servers - they are part of a network of communities and they don't apologize when they have a slow day.
We are a queer feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-racist collective. We support non-commercial projects who, like us, try to fight for a better world.
If this resonates with you and you want to use our services, connect with us or participate, reach out!
mafalda [ät] diebin [punkt] at (GPG key).
Subscribe to our newsletter!
We are not paid for our work and we don't receive any funding. Yet, we need at least 1.000 EUR per year to keep our servers running. diebin.at depends on the financial support of the projects who use the services. Since we are a community-supported infrastructure we invite projects with more financial resources to contribute according to their possibilities.
If you want to support diebin.at, this is our bank account: